Sunday, February 18, 2018

Don't Let Me Waste My Life, Lord

God, every day I live for myself. I do things that please myself, say things that I like, eat what I desire, act how I want. 

I have been growing my roots deep into the things of this world, and my roots for You, Lord, are only wide, they are not deep. My focus is on You but for a moment, before I go on living as I would.

Father, You are the One who gave me this life. You sent Your Son, Jesus Christ, to die for me so that I may take up the offer to have eternal life with You. And You raised Your Son back to life! What a glorious miracle! What amazing grace and love You have lavished on me! Me, a sinner so undeserving.

Alas! That thought comes and goes just like a wave upon the shore-- there for a moment, then gone.

What is my life? It is but a vapor, and I live my life as I please, but this does not please You, the One I ought to desire to please most.

Give me a passion, Lord! A passion for You, and You alone! Make my desire to be to grow more like You, Father. I want my roots to grow deep and strong in You, not in the things of this world.

Don't let me be shallow in my walk as a Christian. Let the steps I take please You, dear Lord. Give me strength to deny myself and turn away from worldly lusts. Direct my path, and allow me to reflect You and Your righteousness.

Don't let me waste my life, Lord. My life belongs to You.

{Psalm 1}